
Lucas Black

Lucas Black is 27 years old today, Happy Birthday Lucas.

Here’s a list of other cast and crew members birthdays, sorted by month.

Alden Ray “Alden” March 7th (confirmed by Alden)

Bow Wow “Twinkie” March 9th, 1987

Brian Tee “DK” March 15th, 1976

Sung Kang “Han” April 8th, 1972

Brian Tyler “Composer” May 8th (confirmed by Brian)

Jason Tobin “Earl” June 12

Keiko Kitagawa “Reiko” August 22nd, 1986

Nathalie Kelley “Neela” October 5th, 1985 (confirmed by Nathalie)

Justin Lin “Director” October 11th, 1971

Leonardo Nam “Morimoto” November 5th, 1979 (confirmed by Leonardo)

Lucas Black “Sean Boswell” November 29th, 1982

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