This article shows that not only is Han (played by actor Sung Kang) from, Better Luck Tomorrow, the same Han in, Tokyo Drift, but it shows that in both movies he lives exactly the same lifestyle.
Better Luck Tomorrow, is a 2003 movie directed by Justin Lin. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, is a 2006 movie directed by Justin Lin.
One of the lines from Better Luck Tomorrow, “Rumors about us came Fast and Furious!”
BLT: Han leaning on car waiting for Virgil from school. TD: Han leaning on car waiting for Sean from school.
BLT: Han hanging out with sexy women. TD: Han hanging out with sexy women.
BLT: Han with a lot of cash. TD: Han with a lot of cash.
In the commentary of Tokyo Drift on DVD Justin Lin says the following: “There’s Sung with his oral fixation, um, when we did the indy movie, his character smoked, you know, pretty much every other shot, and here because this is a big studio movie, no cigerettes for the main character, and uhh heh, so we had to kinda heh, make sure he’s always snacking.”
BLT: Han smoking and gambling with his friends. TD: Han snacking and gambling with his friends.
BLT: Han relaxing and drinking a beer with his crew. TD: Han relaxing and drinking a beer with his crew.
BLT: Han smoking and partying with his friends. TD: Han snacking and partying with his friends.
BLT: Han with a gun to his head. TD: Han with a gun to his head.
Hans Crew: The 1st man in this pic, Jason J. Tobin, played Virgil in BLT & Earl in Tokyo Drift.
The 3rd man in this pic, Alden Ray, played Ulden in BLT & Alden in Tokyo Drift.
The 4th man in this pic, Jimmy Lin, played “a jock” in BLT & Jimmy in Tokyo Drift.
Justin Lin and Sung Kang’s inside joke is that Han went to Tokyo after Better Luck Tomorrow but we learn that he doesn’t leave for Tokyo until after Han and Dom split up in Fast & Furious (a prequel to Tokyo Drift).